
lyonessWelcome!  I’m Kathleen, the Literate Lyoness, and I’m writing this blog to share thoughts and short essays from a biblically literate worldview with both Christians and non-Christians.

For more than four decades, I have regularly studied the Bible, listened to sermons, read theological articles, and participated in numerous Bible studies and group discussions. For more than three decades, I have worked in the fields of science, science education, and technical communications. I have been privileged to live among very intelligent and interesting people from many different ethnic, geographic, and religious (and non-religious) backgrounds. In fact, I was raised in a unique community where diversity seemed, in large part, accepted and even valued. A confluence of diverse influences have flowed into my life experience, and I am grateful for them. I hasten to add, however, that my experience probably has been more the exception than the rule. Differences are likely to have brought disunity and hatred into the lives of many people who visit this site, so I will try to tread gently. It is my hope that my blog will bring understanding, and perhaps even joy, to those who follow it.

I hope you will join me in the adventure!

You can contact me at kathleen.lyon@icloud.com.